Why Mtoto Mchoraji (MM)
To call the center Mtoto Mchoraji (Drawing Child) does not mean we deal with only drawing itself.
Drawing is used as a general term because it is the foundation of all forms of art. It can be defined as a representation by chiefly linear figures produced by a moving point that will enclose and define the shape of an object, symbol, emotion, or idea.
A child acts like a moving point from childish to adult stages, drawing the path to his or her own future. What they need is our support in order for them to draw a good way of life. That’s why we teach, support, care, and give them more skills.
Children are born with artistic talents and gain different inspirations and visions according to their daily activities.
These talents make it easier for them to learn and to set themselves free mentally and physically. They can use their abilities to express themselves to others through art activities.
Many other children from around the neighborhood come to the center watching Mtoto Mchoraji children and youth create art and learn dancing and drumming. These children, who don't usually have much to do, are also impacted since they are inspired and entertained.
One day, those who are currently at the center will have the ability to educate others and pass on all they have learned.
This makes Mtoto Mchoraji sustainable and creates a ripple effect in the community.